Broken, loved, and healed

What does it mean to be broken, loved, and healed?

Take a moment to learn more.


What does it mean to be broken?

People are broken in many different ways.
Here are some examples:
  • physical illnesses (cancer, diabetes, arthritis, MS, Parkinson’s, etc)
  • emotional wounds
  • depression, bipolar
  • anxiety
  • addiction
  • grief 
  • and many more


What does it mean to be loved?

God sent Jesus to show His great love for you. Love from God can become a reality for you.
Have you experienced the love of God?
He wants you to know and feel His love.


What does it mean to be healed?

Healing from God comes in many forms. It can be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.
He wants to heal you. He wants you to know the depth of His love.
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