My healings have come in a variety of ways. Several of these healings have been for incurable diseases. Incurable means they can treat the symptoms, but nothing will stop or remove the condition.
I suffered from Interstitial Cystitis (IC) for around nine years. Interstitial Cystitis is a painful bladder syndrome. The symptoms often mimic a chronic urinary tract infection. It is a chronic condition that causes bladder pressure, frequent urination, and bladder pain ranging from mild to severe. The pain can be a dull ache or a piercing pain.
I learned that there were a variety of things that triggered flare-ups. These things included: foods, medicines, exercise, marital intimacy, stress, long trips, and even tight clothing.
I used a prescription medication that I took three times a day. It was costly. My co-pay was $100 a month, and the retail cost was $900 a month. There were additional costs for the supplies and medication for rescue treatments to combat flare-ups.
As it progressed in severity, I also added an over the counter medication to my regimen. As I tried to cope with frequent pain, it took a toll on my body, emotions, and mind.
Fast forward to a few years ago when we went to The Roads Church in Norris City, IL. Dr. Randy Clark from Global Awakening was speaking and ministering at a meeting about healing. We had gone the previous year and were excited to hear Randy again.
I had not gone expecting a healing and had not even thought about my own need for healing. Part of Randy’s teaching and ministry is providing a platform for those who have taken classes or ministered on a ministry trip to come forward at the end of the service and share “words of knowledge.”
Words of knowledge are mentioned in the Bible in I Corinthians 12:8. God will give information to a person as they hear, see, or feel something that relates to a condition that God is revealing He is going to heal that night.
One of the men gave a word of knowledge for “Interstitial Cystitis.” First, I was amazed they not only was this a word that addressed my physical condition; he pronounced it correctly. I went forward so he could pray for me.
What I am going to share next will be unbelievable to some of you, but this is what I experienced.
As he prayed for me, my abdomen began to move in a wave-like motion. I had no control over my body at this point. It moved slightly at first, and the wave motion grew in strength and size. It seemed to last for a few minutes, but I am not sure exactly how long it lasted. Then I fell to the floor under the power of the Holy Spirit.
When I got up, I knew God had touched me. Since I did not have pain at the time I went forward; I had no way to confirm my healing that night.
As I have described the symptoms and the severity of my illness, I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to recognize any changes to my body and this condition. In just a few days, I knew I no longer needed the over the counter or prescription medications. I had no pain or symptoms. That was three years ago, and I still have had no pain or symptoms. God healed me completely.
When we returned to The Roads Church to hear Dr. Randy Clark speak again two years later, I was able to give my testimony of what God had done.
What is incurable for man is curable for God! What man cannot fix is fixable for God. Nothing is impossible for the Lord God Almighty.
That may sound like a complicated question but it is very simple. God is omnipotent. That means His power has no limits. God is omnipresent. That means He is present everywhere at the same time. That might be difficult for our minds to truly comprehend.
In the Bible, we read the following scripture passages:
“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27 (NIV)
“And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (NASB)
In my life, as I have encountered the healing touch of God, it has happened in several different ways.
I have been healed several times through the laying on of hands. God uses people here on earth to pray for the sick. His power will flow through them to touch and heal the individual. No matter who the person is please remember it is God’s power that heals.
I have also experienced God’s healing touch on more than one occasion in my home as God touched me without anyone else present. No one prayed for me. I turned to God and He touched me.
I will start sharing some of my stories in the upcoming BLH Blog posts. Subscribe to get notified of new posts.
As I have answered God’s call to pray for people I have seen God heal through the laying on of hands and He has healed long distance over the phone, Facebook messenger, video calls, etc.
People are crying out to God now due to the current situation. God is still on the throne. He has the power to heal.
I love reading what Job said.
“Then Job replied to the Lord: ‘I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.’” Job 42:1-2
What God wants to do cannot be stopped. God wants to heal you! What He did for me He can do for you.
If you need prayer, I encourage you to go to our Facebook page or website and contact our ministry. We would love to pray for you.
“I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power.” Ephesians 1:19 (TPT)
Healing is not a new concept. We read a variety of testimonies of God’s power being demonstrated in the pages of the Bible.
Maybe you doubt their authenticity. You may say “Are they real?”
Yes, they are! I have been healed of numerous things throughout my life. In the upcoming posts of the BLH Blog my stories will be shared along with the testimonies of many others.
Why is this important? God wants you to know He is Lord. He demonstrates His love by touching and healing. When a person is healed, His power cannot be denied. You shake your head in awe and wonder at His power and glory. It is undeniable.
I love watching YouTube videos and reading books of those who pray for the sick and see them recover.
John G. Lake had a powerful ministry that touched many lives. He had an amazing ministry in Africa. He began the ministry in America in Spokane, Washington. They reported over 100,000 miracles of healing during a five to six-year period.
Watch this video about his life. It will give you insight and increase your faith.
What you need to remember is this fact. Signs and wonders are happening today. People are being healed. You can experience God’s power and love.
Do you need a touch from God? Do you want to learn to pray for others? Do you want to experience God’s love?
Rose Marie
"God In Man" The Powerful Healing Ministry of John G Lake
As I write this, we are being “sheltered” in our homes. Most of us feel like we are in a holding pattern.
Ironically just before this season of sheltering began we knew God was leading us to begin a ministry. I will share details in the upcoming BLH Blog posts. The story began years ago but came to fruition in the last few months. Make sure you subscribe so you will be able to receive updates and new blog posts.
Some things needed to be put in place. We started a nonprofit corporation called Broken, Loved, Healed, Inc. The application has been submitted for 501(c)3 status. All donations will be acknowledged by this status.
We have seen the Holy Spirit move and heal people over the last several years. As we seek God’s guidance and direction, He has been faithful and He has delivered an increase. We praise His holy name!
At the end of December, we noticed a building for sale. For a couple of years, Richard had felt God was saying we should open a place for healing rooms in our area. We plan to connect with the International Association of Healing Rooms. We had to postpone this due to the current virus issue. BLH has plans to hold prayer and training meetings, conferences, and mission trips.
Our staff will consist of volunteers. We want all monies to support the necessary items as the ministry unfolds.
Our goal is to train and equip volunteers for this ministry. We want to witness to God’s glory, power, and love.
The building is in desperate need of a roof (it is leaking), heating and air conditioning systems, as well as some other necessary repair work. God has assured us that He will provide the needs for this ministry. We are trusting God to supply all our needs according to His riches.
I have been waiting for God to give me the green light to share and publicly announce this ministry. God says “It is time. It is time to move.”
We may not be able to meet in person to pray for people but in the last few weeks we have had several opportunities to pray with people over the phone, Skype and Zoom and lives were touched. God was faithful and healed long distance. It really shouldn’t be a surprise. His power transcends time and space.
We have already seen God use this ministry for His glory.
I have been fascinated by signs and wonders for many years. As I watch YouTube videos highlighting the move of the Holy Spirit I yearn to see even more.
Why do I watch them? I believe in God. I believe in His power. I know He can do anything.
When I watch the videos I am blessed. I am encouraged and reminded to share His love with those in my world. I realize I cannot keep the story of my Savior a secret. There are many in this world who are hurting and broken who need to hear about His love and power. They need to know His grace is sufficient.
His blood wasn’t just shed for me it was shed for the world. We need to share that message with those around us. We need to take that message everywhere we go.
The purpose of the signs and wonders is to bring glory to God. Believers and unbelievers are reminded of His power and love as they witness the miraculous.
When the eyes of the blind are opened and the deaf can hear all in a split second then faith rises and doubt fades in the hearts and minds of those who witness the move of the Holy Spirit.
Share a story you have witnessed. Tell us where you have seen a sign and wonder of God. Bring the message of Christ to others.
Have you noticed people have become more skeptical over the last several years? We have learned to be cautious. We are often bombarded with phone calls and emails that are merely scams or seeking to sell a product. We have adopted an attitude that scrutinizes each encounter.
Unfortunately this mentality has impacted how many view the move of the Holy Spirit. Many are skeptical when they hear about someone being healed. While it is true there are people who receive prayer for healing and see it occur over several hours or days there are many cases of instantaneous miracles. Why is that difficult to believe? Even the person who receives the miracle often feels disbelief at what has transpired.
The God who created the earth has the power to surprise us with signs and wonders. Miracles are happening every day.
Let me share one example of a miracle I witnessed. A woman I know had come in contact with a plant that had caused a terrible allergic reaction. Her hands and forearms were tremendously swollen. Her face and neck looked huge as they were also swollen. She looked and felt miserable. I had learned the Bible teaches us to pray for the sick.
“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 (NASB)
How could I leave without praying for her? I took her hands in mine and bowed my head and closed my eyes as I commanded the swelling and pain to leave. (Now we don’t have to close our eyes to pray and this is one time I really wish I hadn’t closed them.) When I opened my eyes ALL swelling was gone! The hands, arms, neck and face were normal size. I was so excited when I said to her “Look! The swelling is gone!” We both praised God for His almighty power.
Here is the crux of this lesson. It isn’t just the fact we should believe in miracles, but the fact the word of the Lord tells us to pray for the healing of others. If I hadn’t prayed for her that day she would have continued suffering. Pray for the sick!
Likewise it is important to remember these signs and wonders are to bring glory to God. May the miracles bring the power of His love to those who don’t know Him as their Lord and Savior. May the testimony help deepen the walk and faith of a Christian who needs to be reminded of the love and power of God.
If you have a story to share of personal healing or a miracle you have witnessed send me an email or post it on the Facebook page for Broken, Loved, Healed.
It is amazing to learn that many Christians do not believe in modern day healings. Somehow they believe miracles occurred during the time Jesus and the disciples walked the earth and then ended when their lives ceased. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever how can anyone even suggest such a notion.
There are some who do not even believe what they read in the Bible about the miracles that occurred. The power of God did not cease. It is moving in a mighty way in our current day.
You don’t have to look far to see YouTube videos and internet stories of healings that are occurring every day. They are happening all over the earth.
Blind eyes are opening, deaf ears can now hear, paralyzed individuals have regained feeling and mobility, cancer has vanished, metal has disappeared from bodies, and the list goes on and on. There are even reports of the dead being raised.
Now some may believe the first part and say whoa that can’t happen. Well it did in the Bible and it is now as well.
These signs and wonders are to glorify the Almighty God. They are a move of the Holy Spirit to illustrate the love of God for us. They cause doubting individuals who do not know the Lord to recognize God is real! They bring Christians to desire a deeper walk when they witness the power of God.
How can it happen today? It is very simple. We read in the Bible….
John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” (NASB)
John 14:12 “I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do – even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!” (TPT)
Believe the word of God and the testimonies of those who have been healed.
You may wonder why it is important to share stories. Think about what you have read in the New Testament. When Jesus walked on the face of this earth we read the stories of what transpired. Many were transformed and healed by His touch.
The disciples followed that example and many were healed. There are people who think healings ended years ago. They have not ended. Healings and miracles continue.
As we share our stories it not only builds the faith of those who hear the story it gives glory to God for His almighty power. People need to realize God is moving upon the face of the earth – right now! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
I have seen God move. I have witnessed His power on the earth. I encourage you to follow and listen to the stories that will be shared on here.