Nothing is incurable for God
My healings have come in a variety of ways. Several of these healings have been for incurable diseases. Incurable means they can treat the symptoms, but nothing will stop or remove the condition.
I suffered from Interstitial Cystitis (IC) for around nine years. Interstitial Cystitis is a painful bladder syndrome. The symptoms often mimic a chronic urinary tract infection. It is a chronic condition that causes bladder pressure, frequent urination, and bladder pain ranging from mild to severe. The pain can be a dull ache or a piercing pain.
I learned that there were a variety of things that triggered flare-ups. These things included: foods, medicines, exercise, marital intimacy, stress, long trips, and even tight clothing.
I used a prescription medication that I took three times a day. It was costly. My co-pay was $100 a month, and the retail cost was $900 a month. There were additional costs for the supplies and medication for rescue treatments to combat flare-ups.
As it progressed in severity, I also added an over the counter medication to my regimen. As I tried to cope with frequent pain, it took a toll on my body, emotions, and mind.
Fast forward to a few years ago when we went to The Roads Church in Norris City, IL. Dr. Randy Clark from Global Awakening was speaking and ministering at a meeting about healing. We had gone the previous year and were excited to hear Randy again.
I had not gone expecting a healing and had not even thought about my own need for healing. Part of Randy’s teaching and ministry is providing a platform for those who have taken classes or ministered on a ministry trip to come forward at the end of the service and share “words of knowledge.”
Words of knowledge are mentioned in the Bible in I Corinthians 12:8. God will give information to a person as they hear, see, or feel something that relates to a condition that God is revealing He is going to heal that night.
One of the men gave a word of knowledge for “Interstitial Cystitis.” First, I was amazed they not only was this a word that addressed my physical condition; he pronounced it correctly. I went forward so he could pray for me.
What I am going to share next will be unbelievable to some of you, but this is what I experienced.
As he prayed for me, my abdomen began to move in a wave-like motion. I had no control over my body at this point. It moved slightly at first, and the wave motion grew in strength and size. It seemed to last for a few minutes, but I am not sure exactly how long it lasted. Then I fell to the floor under the power of the Holy Spirit.
When I got up, I knew God had touched me. Since I did not have pain at the time I went forward; I had no way to confirm my healing that night.
As I have described the symptoms and the severity of my illness, I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to recognize any changes to my body and this condition. In just a few days, I knew I no longer needed the over the counter or prescription medications. I had no pain or symptoms. That was three years ago, and I still have had no pain or symptoms. God healed me completely.
When we returned to The Roads Church to hear Dr. Randy Clark speak again two years later, I was able to give my testimony of what God had done.
What is incurable for man is curable for God! What man cannot fix is fixable for God. Nothing is impossible for the Lord God Almighty.
Rose Marie
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