Now is the time to move!
As I write this, we are being “sheltered” in our homes. Most of us feel like we are in a holding pattern.
Ironically just before this season of sheltering began we knew God was leading us to begin a ministry. I will share details in the upcoming BLH Blog posts. The story began years ago but came to fruition in the last few months. Make sure you subscribe so you will be able to receive updates and new blog posts.
Some things needed to be put in place. We started a nonprofit corporation called Broken, Loved, Healed, Inc. The application has been submitted for 501(c)3 status. All donations will be acknowledged by this status.
We have seen the Holy Spirit move and heal people over the last several years. As we seek God’s guidance and direction, He has been faithful and He has delivered an increase. We praise His holy name!
At the end of December, we noticed a building for sale. For a couple of years, Richard had felt God was saying we should open a place for healing rooms in our area. We plan to connect with the International Association of Healing Rooms. We had to postpone this due to the current virus issue. BLH has plans to hold prayer and training meetings, conferences, and mission trips.
Our staff will consist of volunteers. We want all monies to support the necessary items as the ministry unfolds.
Our goal is to train and equip volunteers for this ministry. We want to witness to God’s glory, power, and love.
The building is in desperate need of a roof (it is leaking), heating and air conditioning systems, as well as some other necessary repair work. God has assured us that He will provide the needs for this ministry. We are trusting God to supply all our needs according to His riches.
I have been waiting for God to give me the green light to share and publicly announce this ministry. God says “It is time. It is time to move.”
We may not be able to meet in person to pray for people but in the last few weeks we have had several opportunities to pray with people over the phone, Skype and Zoom and lives were touched. God was faithful and healed long distance. It really shouldn’t be a surprise. His power transcends time and space.
We have already seen God use this ministry for His glory.
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