What is the purpose of signs and wonders?

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I have been fascinated by signs and wonders for many years.  As I watch YouTube videos highlighting the move of the Holy Spirit I yearn to see even more.


Why do I watch them?  I believe in God.  I believe in His power.  I know He can do anything. 


When I watch the videos I am blessed.  I am encouraged and reminded to share His love with those in my world.  I realize I cannot keep the story of my Savior a secret.  There are many in this world who are hurting and broken who need to hear about His love and power.  They need to know His grace is sufficient. 


His blood wasn’t just shed for me it was shed for the world.  We need to share that message with those around us.  We need to take that message everywhere we go.


The purpose of the signs and wonders is to bring glory to God.  Believers and unbelievers are reminded of His power and love as they witness the miraculous. 

When the eyes of the blind are opened and the deaf can hear all in a split second then faith rises and doubt fades in the hearts and minds of those who witness the move of the Holy Spirit.


Share a story you have witnessed.  Tell us where you have seen a sign and wonder of God.  Bring the message of Christ to others.


Rose Marie

Can a healing be instantaneous?

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Have you noticed people have become more skeptical over the last several years?  We have learned to be cautious.  We are often bombarded with phone calls and emails that are merely scams or seeking to sell a product.  We have adopted an attitude that scrutinizes each encounter.


Unfortunately this mentality has impacted how many view the move of the Holy Spirit.  Many are skeptical when they hear about someone being healed.  While it is true there are people who receive prayer for healing and see it occur over several hours or days there are many cases of instantaneous miracles.  Why is that difficult to believe?  Even the person who receives the miracle often feels disbelief at what has transpired.


The God who created the earth has the power to surprise us with signs and wonders.  Miracles are happening every day.


Let me share one example of a miracle I witnessed.  A woman I know had come in contact with a plant that had caused a terrible allergic reaction.  Her hands and forearms were tremendously swollen.  Her face and neck looked huge as they were also swollen.  She looked and felt miserable.  I had learned the Bible teaches us to pray for the sick. 

 “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons.  Freely you received, freely give.”  Matthew 10:8 (NASB)


How could I leave without praying for her?  I took her hands in mine and bowed my head and closed my eyes as I commanded the swelling and pain to leave.  (Now we don’t have to close our eyes to pray and this is one time I really wish I hadn’t closed them.)  When I opened my eyes ALL swelling was gone!  The hands, arms, neck and face were normal size.  I was so excited when I said to her “Look!  The swelling is gone!”  We both praised God for His almighty power.


Here is the crux of this lesson.  It isn’t just the fact we should believe in miracles, but the fact the word of the Lord tells us to pray for the healing of others.  If I hadn’t prayed for her that day she would have continued suffering.  Pray for the sick!


Likewise it is important to remember these signs and wonders are to bring glory to God.  May the miracles bring the power of His love to those who don’t know Him as their Lord and Savior.  May the testimony help deepen the walk and faith of a Christian who needs to be reminded of the love and power of God.


If you have a story to share of personal healing or a miracle you have witnessed send me an email or post it on the Facebook page for Broken, Loved, Healed.


Rose Marie

Modern Day Healings

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It is amazing to learn that many Christians do not believe in modern day healings.  Somehow they believe miracles occurred during the time Jesus and the disciples walked the earth and then ended when their lives ceased.  If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever how can anyone even suggest such a notion.


There are some who do not even believe what they read in the Bible about the miracles that occurred.  The power of God did not cease.  It is moving in a mighty way in our current day. 

You don’t have to look far to see YouTube videos and internet stories of healings that are occurring every day.  They are happening all over the earth.


Blind eyes are opening, deaf ears can now hear, paralyzed individuals have regained feeling and mobility, cancer has vanished, metal has disappeared from bodies, and the list goes on and on.  There are even reports of the dead being raised. 


Now some may believe the first part and say whoa that can’t happen.  Well it did in the Bible and it is now as well.


These signs and wonders are to glorify the Almighty God.  They are a move of the Holy Spirit to illustrate the love of God for us.  They cause doubting individuals who do not know the Lord to recognize God is real!  They bring Christians to desire a deeper walk when they witness the power of God.


How can it happen today?  It is very simple.  We read in the Bible….


John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” (NASB)


John 14:12 “I tell you this timeless truth:  The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do – even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!”  (TPT)


Believe the word of God and the testimonies of those who have been healed.


Rose Marie

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